all postcodes in GU10 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU10 1AA 15 3 51.233412 -0.732006
GU10 1AB 41 0 51.234461 -0.733367
GU10 1AD 6 0 51.233646 -0.733719
GU10 1AE 2 0 51.23386 -0.731203
GU10 1AF 8 2 51.236457 -0.732524
GU10 1AG 7 0 51.236561 -0.732149
GU10 1AH 8 0 51.241818 -0.734354
GU10 1AJ 42 2 51.239009 -0.733973
GU10 1AL 38 0 51.237694 -0.733823
GU10 1AP 10 0 51.240642 -0.735303
GU10 1AQ 5 0 51.236593 -0.733437
GU10 1AR 46 0 51.239487 -0.733512
GU10 1AS 4 0 51.241388 -0.73448
GU10 1AT 7 0 51.241208 -0.735273
GU10 1AU 33 0 51.241157 -0.73304
GU10 1AW 16 0 51.238371 -0.734019
GU10 1AX 33 0 51.241754 -0.730875
GU10 1AY 46 0 51.234275 -0.732814
GU10 1AZ 12 0 51.233752 -0.733472
GU10 1BA 11 0 51.238575 -0.730475